威斯康星大学高山流水中国古典音乐会Chinese Music High Mountain And Flowing River at U of Wisconsin Parkside






音乐会邀请了芝加哥的4位音乐人士,关孟华古筝工作室创办人关孟华女士,著名乐器演奏家梁嘉驹,芝加哥东方艺术团乐器演奏者Alen Geng,芝加哥大学博士生邱天。

四名来自芝加哥的音乐人士为现场观众演奏7种中国乐器,关孟华的古筝,梁嘉驹的二胡和琵琶,笛子,Alan Geng的葫芦丝和笛子,以及邱天的扬琴,他们用7种中国乐器为现场观众表演了9首著名的中国古典音乐曲子,让现场观众充分欣赏了中国古典音乐的艺术和魅力。



关孟华古筝演奏了中国古典名曲《高山流水》,《告别》,梁嘉驹用琵琶演奏了《春光花月》及笛子演奏另外一首中国名曲,Alian Geng用笛子演奏了《月光下的凤尾竹》,丘天扬琴演奏《天山的节日》。四人还用各种乐器合奏了《竹调》,《回家》。

Alian Geng用笛子演奏了《月光下的凤尾竹》


音乐会主持人王勋是威斯康星大学Parkside分校中国研究所主任,及威斯康星大学社会学系系主任,他在演出开始时介绍了四名来自芝加哥的著名音乐人,他说这场演出的宗旨是化交流及促进和平, 促进中国音乐与西方音乐的对比和研究。


A traditional Chinese music concert named “High Mountain and Flowing River” was held on music hall of University of Wisconsin Parkside on March 4, 2022.

The music event was sponsored by College of Arts and  Humanities and the Institute for China Studies.  Prof Xun Wang , the director of Institute for China Studies, and chair of   Sociology department at University of Wisconsin Parkside , conducted and hosted this music event.

Traditional Chinese music show in U of  Wisconsin

Four  famous Chinese musician from Chicago were invited to performance seven  traditional Chinese music instruments , Menghua Guan play Guzheng, Kerry Leung play Pipa and Dizi solo, Alian Geng play Hulushi and Dizi solo, Tian Qiu play Yangqin solo. They play 9 famous Chinese music .

The Director Xun Wang said this music event is to enhance Chinese culture exchange and promote peace, and compare the Chinese music with western music.

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