(翻译编辑:Mark Su。注:这封信有670在美华人签字,于2020年11月16日从美国邮政挂号邮寄华盛顿白宫川普总统)
请接受我们对你坚持不懈和自我奉献的衷心感谢 。我们一直支持你的捍卫选举的活动,参加选举大会和游行,同时在社区传播对你的支持。如果你还需要我们为捍卫宪法做些什么,请告诉我们,民主已经受到挑战,我们需要去捍卫,正义将会到来。
November 16, 2020
President Donald Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
NW Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Trump,
We are Americans of Chinese descent, sleepless in Seattle to the flaming torch in New York, and because we fear that corrupt big city party machines are trying to steal the people’s government by oppressing our rights as voters through the counting of illegal ballots, we stand by you and all Americans to defend our constitution, to fight for our democracy, and to reveal ALL their illegitimate violations against the American free will.
You and your family have endured an unrelenting torrent of challenges, false accusations, and betrayals, but they could not shake your principles, nor could they cease your momentum to Make America Great Again. Like you, we love this country because of its belief in freedom and the right of all its citizens to pursue their individual hopes and dreams. Because of what is happening in the country of our ancestors, we understand more what that freedom means.
This election is a wake-up call for all Americans that we are no longer the silent majority, our votes spoke loudly! That voice must not be silenced by some who might seek to undermine our votes. It is not only our legal right, but our civic duty to fight all attempts to conceal the American voice and to shake the foundation of our democracy. We, the 670 undersigned, DEMAND THAT VOTING IRREGULARITIES BE INVESTIGATED in ALL 50 STATES!
Please accept our heartfelt gratitude for your tireless efforts and selfless dedication. We have been actively supporting your Election Defense Fund, participating in rallies and protests, and engaging the community to advance our grassroots movement. Please let us know if there are other things we can do to fight and defend our Constitution. Democracy is at stake and worth every effort to defend, and THE BEST IS YET TO COME.
God Bless you and your family,
God Bless America!
Redmond, Washington
Love you President Trump; make America great again
This is a great action to show our support to President Trump and our love to America.
We should never be sidelined observers!
Thank you for all you are doing!
Trump is a hero, God bless America
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